Get started


The first step in establishing communication with the Younium API is to acquire an access token. Access tokens are issued by Younium Identity Server and are in the form of JWT tokens. To obtain the access token, make an HTTP POST to the following URL:



Acquiring a JWT acces token

The following example is using Postman for sending an authentication request to the Sandbox environment.

Request Headers

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencode


Request body

grant_type: password 
username:   [Younium username]
password:   [Password]
client_id:  apiclient
scope: openid youniumapi profile
legal_entity: [Parent company]

If the Younium tenant you're authenticating to has multiple legal entities, specify the legal entity you want to authenticate to by including the legal entity name in the body:


JSON Response

If the credentials provided are valid, a successful JSON response contains:

access_token: [JWT token]
expires_in: 28800
token_type: 'Bearer'

If the the credentials provided are not valid an JSON response will be returned containing:

error: [Error message]

Making Authenticated calls to the Younium API

The access token received from a successful authentication will then be used to make authenticated calls to the Younium API.

All requests to the Younium API should have the following HTTP Headers:

Authorization: Bearer [JWT token]
Content-Type: application/json
api-version : [version] (optional)

Example of headers for a request to Younium API:



The header api-version may be set to specify which version of the api to be called. By default the version 2.0 will be called.

Read more about different versions

401 unauthorized

If Authorization fails a 401 Unauthorized response will be returned.